About Us
On 13 May 1939 in the Methodist Church Hall in Donaldson Terrace an Occasional Lodge was opened at 7:00 pm by W Bro W Cummings, officers and brethren of Flinders Lodge No 25. Visitors and Grand Lodge were admitted. The Most Worshipful Grand Master, MW Bro Andrew Douglas Young FAIS was admitted and a ceremony of Constitution and Consecration was performed and the Whyalla Lodge No 158 became the first Lodge in Whyalla.
Some years later, around 10 August 1945 a meeting was held in the Methodist Church Hall with the idea of forming another Lodge. A second meeting was held on 22 August in the same hall and an affirm motion was proposed that a new Lodge be formed and be called Whyalla Lewis Lodge. At this meeting it was proposed that the Whyalla Lodge No 158 be asked to sponsor the new Lodge.
Some 6 years and 10 months after the opening of Whyalla Lodge No 158, the Whyalla Lewis Lodge No 160 was born. On 8 March 1946 at 6:15 pm at the Methodist hall in Donaldson Terrace Whyalla, an occasional Lodge was opened by W Bro R J Matthews with officers and brethren of Whyalla Lodge No 158.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master, M W Bro Andrew Douglas Young FAIS and Grand Lodge officers performed the ceremony of consecration and dedication of the Whyalla Lewis Lodge No 160. After the formation of the new Lodge, W Bro Alfred Cole was installed as the first Worshipful Master of Whyalla Lewis Lodge No 160 followed by the obligation and investiture of the other officers.
On 26 July 1999, due to declining active membership, the brethren of Whyalla Lodge No 158 surrendered their warrant to the Master of Whyalla Lewis Lodge No 160 during a ceremony of amalgamation. The resulting amalgamated lodge has continued to this day.